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I learned advanced topics like wincc Sql and Excel , so can generate good reports for production and maintenance manager in my work Yes The free scripting course is biggest surprises You learn from this course practical experience leads you to produce the professional SCADA

Hassan Samir Mohamed Ahmed Elabd
Assistant section head

It did help me in SCADA projects assigned to me. Worth it.Just go for it .I would like to learn more from Lukasz courses. Waiting for his new courses in Wincc and any other material from him. The biggest positive surprise is the layers of detail from beginner to advanced in concepts which are presented in a layman manner. I would suggest to purchase his courses to any industrial automation professional, as I think the way he put out the courses shows his passion and sincerity so that his students are getting the most benefit compared to the other courses in the market(i.e udemy etc)


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  • Total payment
  • 1xSCADA Engineer Training$497

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